Written by PLAN LUXE .

Girls! Your morning routine determines your level of success. All successful people have a specific morning routine that makes them thrive.
The PLAN LUXE team has studied for you the morning routines of people who have very successful lives like Oprah, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and they all have several habits in common. We're here to tell you their secrets girls!

Virgin Group founder and chairman Richard Branson gets up around 5 a.m. to exercise and spend time with his family.
"I've always been an early riser," he wrote on a Virgin blog. "In my 50 years in business, I've learned that if I get up early, I can accomplish so much more in a day, and therefore in life."
Branson adds:
"I find the quiet time, before most people in the world go online, to be a great time to catch up on news and respond to emails. These early hours give me the opportunity to start each day with a fresh and organized slate."

After spending several hours sleeping and therefore not drinking, a serving of water can initially hydrate the body while aiding digestion and metabolism. Water is an essential nutrient, and your body's organs and tissues depend on it to function. As your body regularly loses water, you must compensate for these losses to avoid dehydration girls!
Lande, the president of the Birchbox Man company, wasn't in the morning either.
After a series of life changes – starting and selling a business, getting engaged, going on a meditation retreat, buying a house – Lande realized that the little things, like your morning routine, can have an effect on your health and well-being.
Now, he always starts his day by drinking hot lemon water (like most models do!).

There are many reasons to incorporate meditation into your morning. The act of meditating causes the pituitary gland in your brain to secrete activity-enhancing endorphins in the area of your brain that is associated with positive emotions and experiences.
As Arianna Huffington says:
"A big part of my morning ritual is about what I don't do: when I wake up, I don't start the day looking at my smartphone. Instead, once I'm awake, I take a minute to breathe. deeply, be grateful and set my intention for the day."

Girls! Regular physical activity can increase the production of hormones that make you happier and help you sleep better. It also has a positive impact on the appearance of your skin, weight control and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
Vogue editor Anna Wintour starts her morning with an hour-long game of tennis and Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates likes to do morning treadmill workouts according to The New York Times. .

Many people skip breakfast, however, eating a nutritious breakfast will give you the energy you need to help you have a productive morning. After fasting in your sleep, it's essential to fuel your body when you wake up, but try to resist a fry and opt for a healthier breakfast choice. Foods like oatmeal, eggs, Greek yogurt, and fruit are great choices to kickstart your metabolism and provide you with the nutrition you need, honeys!
According to Business Insider, Serena Williams
spare no expense and order a delicious and healthy breakfast platter, including staples like smoothies and fruit.

Girls, in the morning you have to get up immediately, and without hesitation take a cold shower.
It is a practice known since Antiquity: Hippocrates, the Greek doctor born in 460 BC, considered this practice as the greatest remedy of all time, recommended it to his patients as a remedy for many diseases.
Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter, which belongs to the so-called "5 A.M. Club", takes a long cold shower in the morning.

This one isn't that easy, but starting the day by prioritizing the important and difficult tasks and the right perspective will take effort, but you'll see your effort will pay off a lot.
In the morning, the will of successful people is fresh and ready to go. So now is the best time to take advantage of it - do your hardest task first.
It's a concept suggested by Brian Tracy, a great author of the book "Eat That Frog".
We too have implemented these habits step by step and we can tell you that we have become more productive than ever! The most difficult habit for us was certainly getting up early even on our days off, but we managed to achieve our goals and now we are 1000% proud of who we have become!
Tell us which habits you think are the hardest to form, and don't forget to let us know once you've made it a habit, honeys!
Big kisses 💋 & See you next Monday my beautiful!
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