Millions of women around the world waste thousands of dollars each year to look beautiful. They all try new things, test what worked with their friends, waste their time on the Internet looking for what will solve their skin problems, or the new make-up trick that will make them "flawless": all this in vain for the majority women unfortunately!
If you too, have been trying for months or even years to find the tips and products that will make you 100,000 times more beautiful, and allow you to glow-up without breaking the bank, you've come to the right place gorgeous, because we're going to explain to you why you can't manage to Glow-up as you want to and we'll explain how to do glow-up.
Let's get started!
The major problem of many women is that they do not know what make them beautiful. They do not know what features of their face/body make them attractive.
The fact that you don't know your beauty traits often means you don't know how to highlight them. We tend look for a person who we find beautiful, but who does not look like us, we often take her as a model and apply her beauty tips to our face which has no similar feature. As a Result: it does not give the same desired effect, seeing the result makes us ugly. The problem is not our face, but the fact of applying beauty hacks that do not correspond to our natural charm. Suddenly, it ruins it and we come to the conclusion that despite our efforts and our research for beauty advice, we can't glow-up.
There are countless different beauties in the world. There are beautiful women who are brunettes, blondes, redheads, who have curly hair or straight hair, shaved heads, thin lips or luscious lips, voluptuous or rather lean bodies. Find a beautiful woman who has the same features as you and apply her tips and tricks, it will be better than copying a woman who has no traits that resemble you, because it will destroy your natural charm.
This is related to what we just said above, you apply the advice of a person who has nothing to do with the charm you have, so you destroy yours. But there is also the problem of not using the right products adapted to your nature.
The most common example is that of women with curly hair looking to straighten it and vice versa. From time to time, it's good, it changes us, we like it, but doing it every day damages your hair type and alters your charm! On the contrary, it is necessary to seek to embellish its deep nature and its natural charm. It should not be hidden as some do with contouring. It transforms the shape of their face, of their mouth, and as a result: the face is disproportionate and lost all its beauty, because the features you like can be beautiful in isolation, but often, put together, they give an aberrant and superficial result l, nothing attractive. This is all that should not be done and avoided to the max!
This is one of the most important points! Learn and get advice from PROFESSIONALS and not from influencers, questionable forums and so on. First off, because only professionals are trained to spot what suits you or not, and second of all seeking advice from unqualified people can be dangerous. We see it every day with cases of necrosis of the lips due to injections not made by a doctor, or failed hairstyles! Examples are not lacking, because this bad habit is too widespread! Go back to competent professionals who will know how to highlight you and solve problems that prevent you from glow-up (doctors, professional hairdressers, beautician, chiropractor, sports coach, etc.)
These are the major reasons why the majority of women are unable to obtain the glow-up they desire. Thus, they waste their time, their money searching and trying everything and anything desperately, so that in the end nothing works.
To save your time and save your money, we suggest that you do your GLOW-UP Diagnosis here, so you will receive your PERSONALIZED GLOW-UP Routine, made by our experts from the PLAN LUXE team (dermatologists, professional hairdressers, stylists , make-up artists, nutritionists, sports coach, sophrologists, well-being experts).
You have everything to gain, your time, your money and especially your GLOW-UP to become the bombshell you've always dreamed of. You too have the right to feel good in your body, to be free to do whatever you want, to enjoy BEAUTY PRIVILEGES like other beautiful people have in their lives.
So sweetie, if that's what you want, do your diagnosis and receive your personalized glow-up routine with all the advice adapted to your case to have the glow-up you want in only 30-days!
Big kisses!💋
The PLAN LUXE team.
1 comment
Article super detaillé comme la routine glow-up que je viens d’acheter!! Merci!!